Saturday, September 9, 2017

how to teach your kids swimming

Do you know in united states about 10 people die every day from unintentional drownings? According to CDC  from 2013 to 2014, there were 3,536 fatal unintentional drownings in the USA. So, knowing how to swim become mandatory for us. Swimming lesson should be started from our childhood. Hope this article will help you to introduce your kids with swimming.

Start from very early age:
Every parent wants their kids to know swimming when they reach 10 years old. But parents should introduce swimming to their kids when they attain 6 months to 1year old. during this age of your kids introduce them with floating with air-filled flotation devices. Do not leave your kids with this device because recently a video got viral drowning of a kid under the floating tube. watch the video here.

Give them proper dressing:
Have you seen any swimmer to swim without swimming costume? Whenever you want your kids to learn swimming make sure they are equipped with swimming costume. Especially for 6 months to 1-year old kids, you can Dress them in a special waterproof swim diaper to prevent any leaks to prevent any disease to other swimmers. 

Teach your kids how to hold breath:
Swimming requires the ability to hold the breath. Before you teach kicking and hand moving teach your kids how to hold breath. If they are afraid of losing their breath they will not be encouraged to learn swim. You can use a swimming pool where you can demonstrate your kids how to hold breath together. Count seconds and minutes who can hold the breath more.

Teach them kicking:
Before you teach your kid how to move their hand forward teach them how to kick properly. Use a floating device to teach them kicking this will help to not to be afraid of drowning while kicking. Make sure they are kicking deep in the water. If they are not able to kick their feet then use your hand to teach them how to do so.

Teach them about hand and head movement:
When they are able to kick by their own teach them how to move their hand. First, start with short hand. You can hold their belly up and tell them to move their hand forward. When they learn this skill leave them alone with a life vest and supervise them to swim the other side of the pool.
Head movement also an important skill while swimming. Tell your kid to turn their head another side in every three-hand movement.

Make the lesson short:
Do not extend the lesson more than 30 minutes. Rather than extending the lesson period, practice them every day. This will help them to learn better.

we all know that swimming is a popular sport around the world. And people like Michael Phelps encouraging parents to teach their kids swimming. Don’t let your kids to be regretted not knowing how to swim make them proud to be able to swim.

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